​​Let massage therapy touch your life​
Daniela O'Neill RMT, CIMT, CPMT 

Infant Massage
​"The infant's need for body contact is compelling. If that need is not adequately satisfied, even though all other needs are adequately met, he or she will suffer."
~ Dr. Ashley Montagu
Touching: The Human Significance of Skin
Infant Massage Instruction

People have often asked me why do babies need massage? My answer is simple, everyone needs massage, even babies. Here's why. Did you know that touch is the first sense developed in utero and the most developed at birth. It is the very first form of communication for a baby and all other senses rely on touch for sensory information.

It is believed that if caregivers provide positive touch to their children, then they will grow up to be adults with healthy self-esteem, appropriate boundaries and long-lasting intimate relationships.

A Certified Infant Massage Teacher (CIMT) is an instructor that educates and teaches parents and caregivers to massage their babies. The massage therapist does not directly massage your baby. It is important that it is the parent/caregiver giving their babies massage. This is a time of bonding between parent and baby.
There are many benefits of infant massage, here are some of the benefits.
Benefits for Baby
bonding; time focused with caregiver.
relaxation; produces oxytocin (feel good hormone).
communication; special time for verbal & non verbal cues.
development; increase in weight gain, enhances.
neurological development; improve sleep pattern, aids in sensory awareness.
most of all it's fun!
Benefits for Parents
bonding; focused time together, eye-to-eye contact and skin-to-skin contact.
relaxation; parents relax, decrease stress & promotes the release of nurturing hormones.
Communication; a time to learn & understand verbal & non-verbal cures, enhances respect for child.
Confidence; increases to meet baby's needs & follow their own intuition.
This is a video of information about infant massage from Liddle Kidz Foundation.
​​​​Daniela O'Neill ​​​​​is a​​ Certified Infant Massage Therapist​ through the​​ Liddle Kidz Foundation.